Love thy FSBO…

Worship them…

Bring them gifts…

Seriously. Do stuff for them. They are the “freebies”. They are the cherished few that raise their hands and say “come get me oh savvy one.”

I’m truly amazed at the “FSBO sales prevention” programs that most agents employ.

Typical pitch: “Uh, can I stop by and give you a complimentary home evaluation?”


Blown chance of EVER seeing your sign in that yard Mr. Typical salesguy.

Truly pathetic.

Or this one: “Call me when you want to list because agents won’t show your home as a FSBO. “


Slam the door on them. GREAT technique.

These approaches are for the pure amateur…the agent who’s signs reside in his own garage-never seeing the pretty green lawns for which they were intended.

I came up with a technique many years ago that gets me every FSBO listing that I want.

It’s so simple…

I become their advocate. I genuinely help them. And I do it with ZERO expectation of anything in return and absent of any slimy sales pitch.

“Hi Mr. FSBO. Mike Costigan here. I am a broker but I’m not calling about listing your house. I know you want to try it yourself and I think it’s a great idea. I’d do the same. It’s a great house.

I’d like to just pop in this week and see it. I sell a ton of homes in the n’hood and I’m sure I’ll have a buyer at some point….”

Would you mind if took a few pictures for clients while I’m there? I don’t expect anything at all from you Even when I don’t make a commission, I get rewarded by helping my buyers. They all send me referrals, so it works out for me.

Great. See you Tuesday.

I’ll also leave blank contracts for you, in case you get a buyer. I’m happy to help you fill them out….no cost of course, and I’ll even help you arrange the closing. My lender’s number will be in the packet too so you can get your buyer prequalified….”

There’s a tiny bit more to my “FSBO Ally” program and it’s magical.

All you have to do is to make them like you. It’s so ridiculously simple.

Don’t fight them. Be their corner man (or woman).

I honestly can’t remember the last FSBO listing that I didn’t get using this approach.

Want to knock down FSBO signs like a champ? Go here:

-Mike Costigan