“…bro…Feels like your reaching.”
Can you even fathom speaking like this to a client who pays you thousands of dollars?
Social Media “guru” I hired sent this in a reply to my request for a refund.
Apparently, he didn’t quite agree with my little “time to bail” calculator that use…
Formula goes like this:
Value + Promised Service Provided = Stay and Pay.
Value or Promised Services Missed = Grab Your Cookies back and run.
When I hired this guy, I interrupted the canned sales pitch and insisted that our “deal” hinge on “personal” service. He agreed. I happily handed the guy $3K for the 1st month.
Immediately I’m passed to “staff”. I’m ok with this, temporarily. Good people. Needed to get some initial mechanics on our work completed.
That’s where the Candy Man stopped sending sugar my way.
Poof! He was gone like a tootsie pop chomped by the owl on the 3rd lick.
“A one….A two….crunch!”
Never could I speak to this guy again when I needed him. Responses to my inquiries for personal high-level strategy consults were laughable. Sweet little multiple choice “customer no-service” example below:
1. Use your “Golden Ticket” that clients get during their 1st 90 days.
2. Post in the FaceBook Group for feedback
3. Talk to my staff and we will review on our weekly meeting.
“Golden Ticket”?! Willy Wonka has got his delusions of grandeur amped up…way too much sucking down sugar high inducing sweets in the chocolate factory.
Put this into context as a real estate agent now…
How many times have you taken over an expired listing and they tell you they haven’t heard from their agent since the day they signed on the dotted line?
Happens a LOT.
An agent gives a great sales pitch,…all warm and fuzzy, with promises of magical goodies…really tickles their sellers’ sweet tooth.
Then poof! Gone like a self-absorbed Social Media guru-except no FB group to post to for “feedback”.
What you should know about client retention is this: Sellers will always stay for the long haul with you, as long as you over-deliver on their expectations. And they expect to be kept informed…not treated like a number
It’s a reward to get them. Don’t let them go sour.
My “Blaze” subscribers ALWAYS get to have their cake and eat it too.
To learn how to make every day sugary-delicious in real estate, go here:
-Mike Costigan